Friday check in

Happy Friday!  For those of you who are interested, I thought I'd write a quick blog post while the minion sleeps!

Amazon business- What I've learned is that Amazon bills you or does a pay out, depending on how the month is going, every two weeks.  The first two weeks, we really didn't sell much of anything, so I ended up owing Amazon $81.  Yesterday was the 2nd payout and I owed Amazon $0!  I call this progress!  I've sold 20 items in just the last week!  So if all goes well, the payout, I'll actually have some profit and can begin paying myself back for all the inventory and other things I've had to buy for this business. 

We closed on our vacant lot property on Halloween and we are getting ready to do a new construction!  We've never done one of those before so here's to crossing my fingers and toes there are minimal set backs. 

The Garden now has a fence.  Andy hired some local guys who live on the street to put the fence up.  Well, one guy didn't pay the other guy and now it's this whole fiasco that we wish would not be a headache.  It's simple people, if you agree to pay someone, pay them.  Lesson learned. 

This is really all I have to say today.  Back to reading stories about elves and humans.


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