
Andy and I have hustled since Oct to get enough products to be able to make some profit during Q4.  I was kind of worried in mid-Nov, cause our sales weren't where they needed to be.  Needlesstosay, the three weeks have been amazing.  We are almost at our last year high in sales.  Last year we did 25k in 30 days during this time.  This year, we're at 23k in 30 days.  My goal was 20k since we got a late start, so I'm really happy with the results.  Amazon this time of year can be a roller coaster ride.  I was able to get one of the IP claims removed.  Not the other, but I'm still trying.  We have the start of a plan of getting off of Amazon, but we aren't going to be able to do that right away, so I need it to last a bit longer. 

The plan for 2020 is to grow.  We were in hibernate mode for 2019 since I was pregnant and just not up to par.  We were making plans during all of that time though.  It was hard for awhile, with Andy not being able to drive Lyft, and with us loosing Airbnb.  Amazon, rent, and Instagram were our sole methods of income.  One of the best things that happened during that time was realizing that Food Instagrams get paid much better than mommy ones!  So we have been uping our focus on Andy's Instagram, for that source of income.  As a side note, if you have questions about being an Influencer, feel free to ask. 

The good news is that Andy can drive for Lyft again, and we have been booking our Airbnb space for 30 days at a time (which we can by law, just not for shorter than that).  I am feeling positive about things right now.  Sometimes it feels like life throws us alot of curve balls.  But as I try to remind myself, I'm living a life that has risks because I don't want to do that whole 9-5 misery thing (or 9-8 as I used to work), and that being said, it has more risks, but the rewards are worth it.  I like that I get to see my kids daily (when I worked at the agency, D would be asleep by the time I got home and I felt like I missed out on her infancy), I get to have freedom to work the hours I want, when I want, and for the most part, I enjoy what I do.  When I stop enjoying it (like I'm getting burned out with Amazon), I know to look for another way to get income, so that I can continue to find joy and challenge in my life. 


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