
My soundtrack to this post is Borns- Holy Ghost

Sometimes things have to end for you to move onto the next season of your life.  I'm hoping that is what this time in our lives is.  Last fall, it seemed that things had all fallen into place for us.  We have our rental, our Airbnb, and then Amazon.  Things were flowing in a way that was good for us.  Then we found out I was pregnant.  Although that was a good thing, unfortunately, morning sickness hit me hard and I was basically in bed for about two months.  With that, Amazon kind of fell into the wayside, since I'm the one who mostly runs that business.  Andy went back to working for Lyft/Uber, and though that wasn't ideal, it's easy money as he says and we had some bills pop up that were higher than we thought, so we needed that extra income at the time. 

As of Last week, Andy can no longer work for Lyft or Uber.  He got into a little accident with a pole and he didn't know he had to take a drug test within 24 hours of the accident (they told him two days after the fact), and they suspended his account.  The unfortunately leaves us to where we are today.  Which is mostly Andy panicking.  I am hoping that Andy not having that back up for the time being leads us to push forward in all of the plans we have but haven't gotten to. 

Plans that include:
1. Getting the garden up and running.
2. Andy signed up for real estate classes, so hopefully by the time the baby is born, Andy will have taken his licensure and will be able to be a real estate agent.  He's worried with his brain injury, the info won't stick.  We'll see how it goes as he gets further into the course. 
3. We're both going to up our social media game and start reaching out to brands for sponsored posts.  I've been playing the Instagram game for 3 years.  I've been able to supplement my income through my sponsored posts that I already do, but I know people who are able to better support their families by doing that, so I need to explore more fully what's holding me back, to make it more of a priority, and to go deeper into that world. 
4. We are also looking into outsourcing parts of our Amazon business so that we can be more efficient so Amazon won't take up all of our time, and we can focus on things that bring more joy, while still getting that income from Amazon.  I just don't have the energy I had before to spend hours out getting products, so I guess we'll see what the next few months have in store for us. 

Positive vibes y'all. 


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